Main Menu

Main Menu link

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Header > Main Menu to set the styling for your main site navigation for menu links and drop-downs, search, and activate social media icons for your menu.

Screenshot of the Main menu settings


  • Top Level Dropdown Icon: Enables a drop-down icon at the top level of the menu.
A dropdown menu showing the dropdown menu icon.
  • Second + Level Dropdown Icon: Enables a drop-down icon at the second level.
Dropdown menu icon in the second level menu
  • Dropdown Top Border.
  • Position: Left, center, right: You can move the top menu to the left, middle, or right side of the page.
Use position to adjust the aligment of the top menu.
  • Left/Right Padding (px): You can adjust the space used between each link.
Padding link menu top bar
  • Links Effects: Effects that you can apply to each link.
Link effects settings
  • Menu Colors: Adjust the colors used in the menu, links, and backgrounds.
    • Link Color.
    • Link Color: Hover.
    • Link Color: Current Menu Item.
    • Link Background.
    • Link Background: Hover.
    • Link Background: Current Menu Item.
Menu color settings
  • Menu Font Style:
    • Font Family: Choose between the default fonts and Google Fonts available.
    • Font Weight: Setup how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.
    • Font Style: Specifies the font style for a text.
    • Text Transform: Controls the capitalization of text.
    • Font Size: Sets the size of a font. You can use pixels (px), em, and %
Font styles
  • Search Icon Style: Use between four types of search icon style: Disabled, Dropdown, Header replace, and Overlay
Dropdown style for searching
Search Icon Style Dropdown style
Header replace style for searching
Search Icon Style Header Replace
Search icon style overlay
Search Icon Style Overlay
  • Social Icons
    • Enable Social Icons: It shows the social media icons in your header.
    • Social Link Style: Simple, colored, minimal, dark.
    • Social Link Target: New window or Same window.
    • Font-size: Change the size of the icons (pixels).
    • Padding: Setup the padding used for the icons (simple,
    • Margin: Setup the margin used for the icons (simple, colored, minimal, dark).
    • Border radius: Add a custom border radius. px – em – %.
Social media icons

Available (19) social networks:

  • Twitter.
  • Facebook.
  • Pinterest.
  • Dribble.
  • VK.
  • Instagram.
  • LinkedIn.
  • Tumblr.
  • Github.
  • Flickr.
  • Skype.
  • Youtube.
  • Vimeo.
  • Vine.
  • Xing.
  • Yelp.
  • Tripadvisor.
  • RSS.
  • Email.
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