Photocrati Pro – Setting a Background Image

By default, our themes come with a beautiful background. If you want to change the background, please follow these instructions:

Step 1 – Go to the page you want to change while logged in and click customize at the top. For this particular example, we use the page “Galleries”.

Shows the link "Customize" on top of the administrator bar

Step 2– Click on Background “Image”

It shows the link to "background image", that seetting will allow you to change the background image of your theme

Step 3 – To change the background image, click on “Change image”.

Screenshot of the customize area and "Change image" button, there is athumbnail of a beautiful sea sea landscape

Step 4 –  Choose the image that you would like to use, click on “Choose Image”.

Select the image interface user by wordpress, the screenshot shows an image of a boat being selected

Step 5 – Click on “Publish”. You can also set up a background color and remove the image for a solid background.

Click on Publish button on the customize area, the boat image is now visible as the background image and just need to be saved

Note: That background will be used for all the pages on your site except for the homepage.

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